Website migrated to Static Web App
By rickvdbosch
- 1 minutes read - 145 wordsWhen I first moved my website to Hugo I hosted it on Static website hosting in Azure Storage. And although it’s a good way to host your website, there are some extra steps you need to take as soon as you need more than just a place to put your static assets. For instance:
- CORS is not supported
- No support for HTTPS with custom domains
- Unable to configure headers
For more information on the differences between static website hosting in Azure Storage and Static Web Apps, see the Azure Static Web Apps: a first look blog post.
The actual migration didn’t take too long since static web apps supports Hugo out of the box, and it automatically creates a pipeline to push the content. I’m still working on the configuration of the Enterprise-grade Edge, it will probably result in a blog post later on 🤓