House for sale!
I’m not blogging about the wellknown song by the Dutch band Lucifer from the year 1975, but to let you know we (my girlfriend and me) have bought a new house! Somewhere in August of this year, we will be the proud owners of a house in ‘Grasrijk’, a new part of Eindhoven right next to Veldhoven. After three-somewhat years in our current home we are ready for the next step.
Cannot widen from target type to primitive type.
A few days ago we ran into the error in the subject of this post at my current project. Because it wasn’t easy finding any usefull hints pointing towards a solution, I’ll post ours here.
We use reflection for flexible databinding, based on types and their attributes. One of the methods we wrote sets a value, passed in as an object, on a specific attribute of a specific class. The method knows nothing about the class and its properties.
BloggingAbout .NET meeting? – Part 2
I’ve received lot’s of positive reactions on the post about organizing a meeting. I’ll try to squeeze in organizing a meeting in the near future. But see the near future somewhere between now and a few months. As you can image lot’s of stuff should be taken care of: a place to have the meeting, food & drinks, a decent agenda and maybe even guestspeakers. And to keep everything affordable for all the visitors: maybe we should consider finding a sponsor.
BloggingAbout .NET meeting?
I’ve been thinking: would there be any interest for a bloggingabout .net meeting among the bloggers? We are all into .NET and most of us seem to enjoy a good discussion. Maybe we can organize a platform for those discussions in real life in stead of through posts and comments. It could be about anything, but has to have a predefined agenda to make sure the meeting has a goal.
SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.
The exception mentioned in the title of this post was the one I encountered when using an ASP.NET control I had written.
**How I encountered the exception:
** Because I develop several websites, there’s a lot of functionality I need more than once. A possible solution for this is to write a control gallery containing the functionality I needed. And putting them in a seperate assembly makes it easy to dstribute them freely in the near future ;).
Visual Studio 2005 IDE bug
Yesterday we ran into a bug in the Visual Studio 2005 IDE. To be precise: in Intellisense when writing a web.sitemap file. The Intellisense tells you the attribute which indicates whether a site map provider filters site map nodes based on a user’s role is called securityTrimmingEnabled. But when you use this attribute and run the website, you receive an error stating there is an Unrecognized attribute ‘securityTrimmingEnabled’.
When you look the attribute up in the help, it is called SecurityTrimmingEnabled.
BizTalk 2006 course
Wednesday and thursday I attended the first part of a BizTalk 2006 course at Class-A. Next week I’ll be finishing the course (tuesday and wednesday). I have to say that the trainer/coach who gives the course (Astrid Hackenberg) really knows what she’s talking about. At this point the 12 (?) people attending the course have not yet come up with a question she couldn’t answer.
The first two days weren’t very difficult, I think because they were an introduction to the basics of BizTalk.
Thank you, my friend …
After years of loyal service, I’m going to sell my current digital camera. I’m interested in buying an even better one (7.1 MP), although the Sony DSC-S85 I have now (4.1 MP) has brought me lots of great pictures.
It accompanied me on several holidays and events. I’ve got a few Gb of images to show for it…. 😉
If anyone’s interested in buying it: drop me a line or visit the advert on markplaats.
DevDays 2006
I attended the DevDays 2006 and my overall impression was: cool. Allthough some of the sessions I attended weren’t good (or actually, were very bad), the overall feeling is good and I picked up on some great stuff. Meeting up with some smart people is also a good addition to attending the sessions.
The most impressive session I attended was Scott Guthrie on Atlas. Microsoft is doing its best in making the life of developers easier.
Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
Last week a book I requested arrived: Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices by Robert C. Martin. I haven’t had the time to dive in to it, but my first impression is this book is a good one. Nice quote I ran into on the first page, as one of the principles agile development follows:
Simplicity – The art of maximizing the amount of work not done.
HowTo: read your configfile when using no-touch deployment
Earlier I posted about reading a configfile when using no-touch deployment. Several people have contacted me to post the code, so here it is.
Media Center Trouble – Gone!
Sometimes things aren’t as difficult as they seem…
After some extra reading, and searching on, I found that everything I had done was correct. The only uncertainty was my graphics card. I went out and bought me a faster one (a Radeon 9550) and everything works well! As I am typing this, the same machine is playing a sweet K’s Choice song and recording a TV show, while displaying media center on my TV without any problems.